Laird Lake Project Overview

The Laird Lake project is located approximately 20 km to the southwest of the town of Red Lake, Ontario (Fig. 1). The property is accessible using trail roads that connect to the ON-618 Highway out of Red Lake. Red Lake is a full-service community with a population of ~4,000 people and is a prolific gold-mining town that is still seeing active gold production and exploration to date.


The 4,158 ha Laird Lake property is ideally situated 20 km to the southwest of the town of Red Lake, Ontario. Red Lake is a prolific gold mining town in Northwestern Ontario that has produced more than 30 Moz of gold. Importantly, >90% of the gold has come from within 300 m of the contact between the Balmer and Confederation Assemblages. The Laird Lake property is considered underexplored for gold, relative to much of the surrounding Red Lake Greenstone Belt despite enveloping more than 10 km of strike length of the known gold-bearing contact between Balmer and Confederation Assemblage rocks. The Laird Lake property is importantly positioned close to several major gold production and exploration sites in the region:


           34 km to the Great Bear project (Kinross – 2.7 Moz indicated, and 3.9 Moz inferred) 

           11 km to the Madsen Mine (West Red Lake Gold – 1.7 Moz indicated, and 0.4 Moz          inferred) 

           28 km to the Red Lake Mine (Evolution Mining – 7.2 Moz indicated, and 4.5 Moz              inferred)


Figure 1: Location map of the Laird Lake property.

1 Great Bear Gold Project Preliminary Economic Assessment – 

1 Evolution Mining Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Statement, December 2023 –