
Athena’s initial work programs are focused on understanding structural controls and potential splays off this contact that may host high-grade gold mineralization.


High-resolution airborne magnetic and electromagnetic surveys over the property have also highlighted several prospective targets within the Balmer Assemblage to the north of the main contact zone that have yet to be tested and will be included in future drilling on the property, in addition to other targets generated from prospecting and geochemical programs.

The Laird Lake property is heavily underexplored compared to other properties containing Red Lake Greenstone Belt rocks in the area. As a result, there is strong exploration upside on the property. Next steps at Laird Lake will include a multi-phase approach that includes:


           Property-wide structural review with a particular focus on understanding structural controls and potential splays off the Balmer-Confederation contact that may host high-grade gold mineralization. 

           Property-wide gold-in-till geochemistry program to commence in Spring 2025 

           Ongoing prospecting work to identify new zones of potential mineralization in both the Balmer and Confederation Assemblage rocks with a particular focus on mapping in the underexplored western part of the property 

           Channel sampling trenches which have already been cleared, but no sampled OR trenches which have been under sampled. 


           Building a 3-D model using drilling data from 2017 and detailed surface mapping that will act as a foundation for future drilling